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Representative of partners in practice settings in the field of sexual violence - The Family and child sexual abuse action Center (CIASF)
Tatou Parisien is the director of The Family and child sexual abuse action Center (CIASF). CIASF is a community organization in the Outaouais region whose mission is to provide specialized services to individuals and families facing child sexual abuse. With 35 years of experience, CIASF has distinguished itself for its systemic approach to this issue and its therapeutic group treatment programs in both victimology and sexual delinquency. CIASF is a significant clinical partner for many CRIPCAS researchers. Currently, CIASF hosts six research projects, of which, five are affiliated with CRIPCAS. Some of these projects are based on a research-clinical collaboration established over 20 years ago. Since January 2022, Ms. Parisien, representing CIASF, has been a member of the CRIPCAS Board of Directors as a representative of practice environments in sexual abuse.