A crossroads for exchanges where research and practice meet.

CRIPCAS aims to be a hub for exchanges between practitioners and researchers, serving as an interface facilitating dialogue between research concerns and practical considerations. The Center prioritizes collaboration and research activities conducted in partnership with organizations from environments that work with couples and individuals who have experienced interpersonal trauma. Over sixty organizations across Quebec collaborate with CRIPCAS researchers. Occasional collaborations with various organizations are also possible, depending on the needs of intervention environments and the expertise of the Center. These organizations come from community and private sectors, as well as the health and social services network.

An essential mechanism to promote knowledge transfer.

CRIPCAS researchers benefit from partnerships with clinical settings to facilitate rich and constructive bilateral interactions, allowing for the identification of needs in the field and priority research questions. Meanwhile, practice environments seek the expertise of researchers to update or enrich their knowledge, assess the impact of their practice, or gain valuable insights t. Beyond these mutual needs, CRIPCAS believes that a genuine knowledge transfer process requires the establishment of partnership relations based on the recognition of each organization's (or individual's) expertise and the connection of these skills in the implementation of common projects. In addition, it is essential to consider the daily actions and interventions in various environments as a source of tacit and creative knowledge. Partnership here is a continuous process, allowing for both the consideration and application of scientific knowledge and that derived from practical wisdom. It is through such a process, bridging the gap between knowledge production and application, that new issues and potential research perspectives emerge, anchored in the priorities of users, practitioners, and decision-makers.

Scientific outreach, knowledge transfer, and popularization activities

CRIPCAS has consistently employed innovative strategies to reach knowledge users. Scientific outreach, knowledge transfer, and popularization activities remain at the core of its programming. Each year, the Center offers a diverse range of activities to engage various audiences, including clinicians, researchers, students, decision-makers, and the general public.

All our activities

We maintain connections in several regions of Quebec.

CRIPCAS researchers and students are affiliated with seven universities in Quebec: Université de Montréal, Université du Québec à Montréal, Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières, Université du Québec en Outaouais, Université de Sherbrooke, Université Laval, and McGill University. Our clinical partners are also distributed across various regions of Quebec. This broad representation of members at the provincial level enables consideration of diverse regional and cultural realities.

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