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CRIPCAS student members complete their work on one or more themes of the Center and are supervised by a permanent member. Students can enroll based on the affiliation of their supervisor at one of the seven partner universities, with the goal of obtaining a Master's (M.Sc., M.A.) or Doctoral (Ph.D., Psy.D.) degree. Given our mission that combines research and practice, many student members also receive training in intervention during their graduate studies.
The Master's degree can be professional or thesis-based, depending on the discipline and program. The professional Master's mainly focuses on intervention with the aim of integrating into the job market. It includes internships in practical settings. The thesis-based Master's primarily focuses on research. It can lead to a Ph.D. or the job market. The average duration of a Master's is two years. Some programs, especially in clinical psychology, proceed directly to the Ph.D. without requiring a Master's.
The Ph.D. can be professional, research and intervention-oriented, or research-only, depending on the discipline and program. It allows for further specialization in the chosen field, either through internships or advanced research activities. During their Doctoral studies, students must write an essay or thesis presenting the results of their research project and defend this work before a jury. This training typically lasts for 4 to 5 years.
In Quebec, Master's and Doctoral training is regulated and requires full-time enrollment at a university in compliance with provincial regulations established by the Ministry of Education and Higher Education (MEES). Students at CRIPCAS can enroll in one of our seven associated universities, based on the affiliation of the supervisor. Thus, they must adhere to the prerequisites and admission procedures of the chosen university.
We address various research and intervention themes at CRIPCAS. It is advisable to familiarize oneself with the different research laboratories and then contact a supervisor who can discuss the needs of their team and the process to follow according to the program and university.