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Knowledge mobilization and awareness consultant - Université de Montréal
Éliane Dussault (she) holds a bachelor's degree, a master's degree (research-intervention profile) and a doctorate (Ph.D.) in sexology from the Université du Québec à Montréal. She was a member of CRIPCAS and its student committee during her doctoral studies under the direction of Natacha Godbout, Ph.D. and Mylène Fernet, Ph.D. Her research interests include mindfulness, as well as the sexual and relational well-being in the aftermath of childhood interpersonal trauma. In the course of her studies, she developed a keen interest and several experiences in knowledge mobilization and popularization. In particular, she founded an Instagram page (@lab_trace), a scientific blog in partnership with CRIPCAS, and coordinated outreach activities for four research laboratories (including Natacha Godbout's TRACE, Mylène Fernet's Laboratoire d'études sur la violence et la sexualité, and David Lafortune's EROSS). She also supports scientific popularization initiatives in collaboration with Jacinthe Dion, Ph.D. and Mélanie Corneau, M.Sc. Today, she holds the position of Knowledge Mobilization and Outreach Advisor for CRIPCAS. Her main mandate is to coordinate the development of the group's knowledge mobilization initiatives, in order to raise the profile of its members and the research they produce (training courses offered to members, hosting lunch-and-learn sessions, managing communication strategies, etc.).