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The overarching aims of my research are to use state-of-the-art methods to (1) develop well-validated, theory-based assessment tools, (2) identify who may develop adaptive vs. maladaptive behaviours and why, (3) examine the context (e.g., motivations) that may differentiate between given behaviours' positive and negative outcomes, and (4) develop innovative, early interventions.
The role of emotions and emotion regulation difficulties in problematic pornography use among couples -A dyadic longitudinal study: The objective of this ongoing study is to examine the associations between an individual’s and their partner’s negative emotions and PPU over a period of one year, considering both partner’s emotion regulation difficulties and gender as well. International Sex Survey (ISS): The ISS examines problematic, compulsive, and non-problematic sexual behaviours. Data were collected from 82,243 participants in 42 countries, including diverse populations. This is the first study systematically examining compulsive sexual behaviours worldwide, providing freely available standardized assessment tools in 26 languages, and identifying the most important risk factors of compulsive sexual behaviours that can be used to develop culturally sensitive prevention and intervention programs. The Effects of Pornography Use Frequency, Motivations, and Problematic Use on Sexual Wellbeing: A Dyadic Longitudinal Study with Adult Couples: This longitudinal study among more than 300 couples aims to understand how different sexual behaviours (including partnered sexual activities, masturbation, and pornography use) in the couple contribute to the sexual wellbeing of each partner. Hands-Off: Development, Feasibility, and Efficacy of a Novel Online Intervention for the Reduction of Problematic Pornography Use: This project aims to examine the feasibility and efficacy of a newly developed online intervention assisting individuals in addressing their issues with online pornography use, which may be impacting their lives negatively.
Affiliations |
Anaïka François Ph. D. Département de psychologie
Vanessa Beaulieu Professionnelle de recherche Département de psychologie
Émilie Gaudet Ph. D. Département de psychologie
Aurélie Michaud Ph. D. Département de psychologie
Grants agencies |
Research Support for New Academics (NP) 2024-2025, Fonds de recherche du Québec – Société et culture |
In the news |
Université de Montréal
Pavillon Marie-Victorin
Département de psychologie
90 avenue Vincent-d'Indy
Montreal Quebec
H2V 2S9