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My work aims at developing explanatory models for couple difficulties in order to identify targets for prevention and intervention. I am particularly interested in conflicts, as well as subtle forms of violence between partners, as well as in sexual difficulties. My research also strives for a better understanding of the experiences of individuals facing relational ambivalence or separation.
The EROS project : A mixed-methods approach to better understand sexual initiation, rejection and coercion.
Affiliations |
Jennifer Paillé Ph. D. Département de psychologie
Amélie Vallée Ph. D. Département de psychologie
Émilie Fontaine Ph. D. Département de psychologie
Gabrielle Bourque-Morel Ph. D. Psychologie
Laurie-Anne Martinez Ph. D. Département de psychologie
Grants agencies |
Département de Psychologie
Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières
3600 rue Ste-Marguerite, C.P. 500 Local 3017 Michel-Sa
Trois-Rivières Quebec
G9A 5H7
819-376-5011, poste 3516