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The mission of the Research Chair in Safety and Integrity in Sport is to prevent violence in sport by mobilizing a partnership to support the production and mobilization of knowledge on this important societal issue.
Study on the experience of Quebec athletes 1) describe the extent of the violence Violence experienced by young officials in Quebec Study on Coaching Integrity Hors-Jeu Allié.es
This project, which aims to study violence against Quebec athletes aged 14 to 30, will:
2) study the associated risk and protective factors
3) explore the links between the experience of violence and psychosocial adaptation.
This longitudinal study aims to explain the phenomenon of dropout among young Quebec referees aged 14 to 20 during the two years following their initial training.
The aim of this research is to develop, implement and evaluate a training program for Quebec coaches aimed at preventing athlete maltreatment.
The aim of this project is to develop, implement and evaluate an intervention to prevent sexual violence in college and university sports environments.
The aim of this research project is to conduct an analysis of the training needs of sports partners (medical and paramedical personnel, sports managers, psychosocial workers, physical trainers) with regard to athlete maltreatment
Affiliations |
Julia Topart Master's Département d'éducation physique
Emilie Belley-Ranger Professionnelle de recherche Faculté des sciences de l'éducation, Département d'éducation physique
Émilie Lemelin Professionnelle de recherche Département d'éducation physique
Allyson Gillard Ph. D. Département d'éducation physique
Sophie Labossière Postdoctoral Département d'éducation physique
Jessica Mapolin-Gilbert Master's Département de sexologie
Trycia Migneault Master's Département d'éducation physique
William Simard Master's Département d'éducation physique
Grants agencies |
Pavillon de l'Éducation physique et des sports, local 3290
3200 rue de la Terrasse
Québec Quebec
G1V 0A6