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My research centers on the exploration of relationship dynamics. I consider various aspects including attachment, partner support, stress management, emotional regulation, and sexuality to gain deeper insights into their dynamics within diverse relational contexts. Furthermore, I investigate the psychological and relationship consequences of infertility and assisted reproductive technologies, as well as the effectiveness of relationship therapy.
Open Heart: A Study on Communication, Support, and Emotions in Couples ConnExion Project: A Study on Behaviors and Emotions in Couples Journey Project: A Study on the Journey of Couples in Medically Assisted Reproduction Examining Explanatory Models of Relationship Distress and the Efficacy of Couples Therapy in Routine Practice
Affiliations |
Sarah Beauchemin-Roy Professionnelle de recherche Département de psychologie
Maria Belen Field Lira Ph. D. Département de psychologie
Kelly-Ann Oligny Ph. D. Département de psychologie
Laurie Beauvilliers Ph. D. Département de psychologie
Mathilde Renaud Master's Département de psychologie
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Laboratoire d’étude du couple
Département de psychologie
Université de Montréal
90 Avenue Vincent-D’Indy
Montréal Quebec
J2V 2S9