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Publications 2013

Scientific Articles

Beaudoin, G., Hébert, M., & Bernier, A. (2013). Contribution of attachment security to the prediction of internalizing and externalizing behavior problems in preschoolers victims of sexual abuse. European Review of Applied Psychology63(3), 147–157.

Beaulieu-Prevost, D., & Zadra, A. (2013) Chercher un sens à ses rêves? Relations avec le bien-être, la personnalité et l'accessibilité onirique. Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science45(2), 148–158.

Bégin, C., Gagnon-Girouard, M-P., Aimé, A., & Ratté, C. (2013). Trajectories of eating and clinical symptoms over the course of a day hospital program for eating disorders. Eating Disorders: The Journal of Treatment and Prevention, 21(3), 249–264.

Bélanger, C., Boudreau, V., Trudel, G., & Labelle, R. (2013). L'impact des attitudes des intervenants en santé par rapport à la sexualité des aînés: Un bilan de la question. Sexologie Actuelle, 21(2), 4–13.

Bélanger, C., Mathieu, C., & Brisebois, H. (2013). Perception of partner abuse and its impact on marital violence from both spouses. Psychology4(11), 858–863.

Bernier, M.-J., Hébert, M., & Collin-Vézina. (2013). Dissociative symptoms over a year in a sample of sexually abused children. Journal of Trauma & Dissociation, 14(4), 455–472. doi:10.1080/15299732.2013.769478

Berthelot, N., Ensink, K., & Normandin, L. (2013). Échecs de mentalisation du trauma. Carnet de notes sur les maltraitances infantiles, 1, 9-15.

Bêti, C., Lavoie, F., & Nadeau, D. (2013). Les mauvais traitements psychologiques subis par les adolescents… Des mots qui frappent! Revue Canadienne de Santé Mentale Communautaire, 32(2), 67–88. doi:10.7870/cjcmh-2013-020

Blais, M., Gervais, J., Boucher, K., Hébert, M., & Lavoie, F. (2013). Prevalence of prejudice based on sexual minority status among 14 to 22-year-old youths in the province of Quebec (Canada). International Journal of Victimology11(2).

Blais, M., Gervais, J., Boucher, K., Hébert, M., & Lavoie, F. (2013). Prevalence of victimization based on sexual minority status in youth among youths in the province of Quebec (Canada). The International Journal of Victimology11(2).

Bois, K., Bergeron, S., Rosen, N. O., Mcduff, P., & Grégoire, C. (2013). Sexual and relationship intimacy among women with provoked vestibulodynia and their partners: Associations with sexual satisfaction, sexual function, and pain self-efficacy. Journal of Sexual Medicine10(8), 2024–2035.

Boucher, K., Blais, M., Hébert, M., Gervais, J., Banville-Côté, C., Bédard, I., & Dragieva, N. (2013). La victimisation homophobe et liée à la non-conformité de genre et l'adaptation scolaire et psychosociale des jeunes: Résultats d'une enquête québécoise. Recherches & Éducations8(1), 83–98.

Boudreault-Bouchard, A.-M., Dion, J., Hains, J., Vandermeerschen, J., Laberge, L., & Perron (2013). Impact of parental emotional support and coercive control on adolescents' self-esteem and psychological distress: Results of a four-year longitudinal study. Journal of Adolescence, 36(4), 695–704. doi:10.1016/j.adolescence.2013.05.002

Brabant, M.-E., Hébert, M., & Chagnon, F. (2013). Identification of sexually abused female adolescents at risk for suicidal ideations: A classification and regression tree analysis. Journal of Child Sexual Abuse22(2), 153–172.

Charneau Simard C., Beaudoin, G., Hébert, M., & Bernier, A. (2013). Psychosocial adaptation among sexually-abused preschoolers: The role of attachment security. European Review of Applied Psychology, 63, 147–157.

Collin-Vezina, D., Daigneault, I., & Hebert, M. (2013). Lessons learned from child sexual abuse research: prevalence, outcomes, and preventive strategies. Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health, 7(22), 1–9. doi:10.1186/1753-2000-7-22

Côté, P.-B., Blais, M., Bellot, C., & Manseau, H. (2013). Des expériences affectives et sexuelles en situation de rue. Criminologie46(2), 243–262.

Cyr, K., Chamberland, C., Clément, M. È., Lessard, G., Wemmers, J. A., Collin-Vézina, D., & Damant, D. (2013). Polyvictimization and victimization of children and youth: Results from a populational survey. Child Abuse & Neglect, 37(10), 814–820. doi:10.1016/j.chiabu.2013.03.009

Cyr, M., Dion, J., Hershkowitz, I., & Lamb, M. (2013). L'audition de mineurs témoins ou victimes: L'efficacité du protocole du NICHD. Revue Internationale de Criminologie et de police technique et scientifique, 2, 223–238.

Cyr, M., McDuff, P., & Hébert, M. (2013). Support and reactions to child sexual abuse disclosure among different profiles of non-offending mothers. Journal of Child Sexual Abuse, 22(2), 209–230.

Daigneault, I., Dion, J., Hébert, M., McDuff, P., & Collin-Vézina (2013). Psychometric properties of the Child and Youth Resilience Measure (CYRM–28) among samples of French Canadian youth. Child Abuse & Neglect, 37(2), 160–171.

Daspe, M.-E., Sabourin, S., Péloquin, K., Lussier, Y., & Wright, J. (2013). Curvilinear associations between neuroticism and dyadic adjustment in treatment-seeking couples. Journal of Family Psychology, 27(2), 232–241.

Davis, S., Bergeron, S., Binik, Y. M., & Lambert, B. (2013). Women with provoked vestibulodynia experience clinically significant reductions in pain regardless of treatment: Results from a 2-year follow-up study. Journal of Sexual Medicine, 10(12), 3080–3087.

De Montigny-Malenfant, B., Santerre, M.E., Bouchard, S., Sabourin, S., Lazaridès, A., & Bélanger, C.  (2013). Couples' negative interaction behaviors and borderline personality disorder. The American Journal of Family Therapy(41)3, 259–271.

Dion, J., Paquette, G., Tremblay, K. N., Dionne, C., & Cyr, M. (2013). Sexual abuse of intellectually disabled youths: A review. The Prevention Researcher, 20(3), 14–16.

Ensink, K., Maheux, J., Normandin, L., Sabourin, S., Diguer, L., Berthelot, N., & Parent, K. (2013). The impact of mentalization training on the reflective function of novice therapists: A randomized controlled trial. Psychotherapy Research, 23(5), 526–538. doi:10.1080/10503307.2013.800950

Esposito, T., Trocmé, N., Chabot, M., Shlonsky, A., Collin-Vézina, D., & Sinha, V. (2013). Placement of children in out-of-home care in Québec, Canada: When and for whom initial out-of-home placement is most likely to occur. Children and Youth Services Review, 35(12), 2031–2039.

Gallant, A.R., Pérusse-Lachance, É., Provencher, V., Bégin, C., & Drapeau, V. (2013). Characteristics of individuals who report present and past weight loss behaviours: results from a Canadian university community. Eating and Weight Disorders, 18(4), 395–401. doi:10.1080/10640266.2013.779188

Giasson, V., Daigneault, I., & Hébert, M. (2013). Étude préliminaire d'une nouvelle méthode de cotation du dessin de la famille chez les enfants d'âge préscolaire victimes d'agression sexuelle. Revue Camerounaise de Psychologie Clinique, 3(1), 117–131.

Godbout, N., Runtz, M., MacIntosch, H., & Briere, J. (2013). Répercussions des traumas interpersonnels sur la relation de couple: Comprendre pour mieux intervenir. Cahier recherche et pratique: Les nouvelles réalités du couple, 3(2)14–17.

Godbout, N., Runtz, M., MacIntosh, H. B., & Briere, J. (2013). Traumas interpersonnels vécus en enfance et relations de couple: Comprendre les répurcussions afin d'intervenir efficacement. Psychologie3(2), 14-18. Also translated into English: Godbout, N., Runtz, M., MacIntosh, H. B., & Briere, J., (2013). Childhood trauma and adult couple relationships. Psychologie, 3(2), 14–17.

Hébert, M., Brabant, M-E., & Daigneault, I. (2013). Violence au sein des relations amoureuses et symptômes de stress post-traumatique chez les adolescentes ayant dévoilé une agression sexuelle. Journal international de victimologie, 30(2), 1–14.

Hébert, M., Langevin, R., & Bernier, M.-J. (2013). Self-reported symptoms, parents' and daycare workers' evaluation of behavior problems in preschoolers disclosing sexual abuse. International Journal of Child, Youth & Family Studies, 4(4), 467–483.

Hodges, M., Godbout, N., Briere, J., Lanktree, C., Gilbert, A., & Taylor Kletzka, N. (2013). Cumulative trauma and symptom complexity in children: A path analysis. Child Abuse & Neglect, 37(11), 891–898doi:10.1016/j.chiabu.2013.04.001

Kendall-Tackett, K., Edleson, J., Collin-Vézina, D., Mankowski, E., & Vaughan-Eden, V. (2013). Best violence research of 2012: Selections from an invited panel of researchers. Psychology of Violence, 3(3), 203–211.

Lavoie, F., Hébert, M., & Gagné, M.-H. (2013). Having fun with sex in group settings in adolescence. Journal international de victimologie, 30(2).

Lemieux, A. J., Bergeron, S., Steben, M., & Lambert, B. (2013). Do romantic partners' responses to entry dyspareunia affect women's experience of pain? The roles of catastrophizing and self-efficacy. Journal of Sexual Medicine, 10(9), 2274–2284.

Lussier, Y., Brassard, A., Godbout, N., Sabourin, S., Wright, J., & Dutton, D. (2013). La violence conjugale: Paramètres utiles pour l'évaluation et l'intervention. Cahier recherche et pratique: Les nouvelles réalités du couple, 3(2)8–13.

Lussier, Y., Brassard, A., Godbout, N., Sabourin, S., Wright, J., & Dutton, D. (2013). Spousal violence: Useful parameters for assessment and intervention. Integrating Science and Practice, 3(2), 8–13.

MacIntosh, H. B. (2013). Mediators in the relationship between childhood sexual abuse and adult couple relationship functioning: A critical review. Journal of Couple and Family Psychoanalysis, 3(2), 188–207.

MacIntosh, H. B. (2013). Mentalizing and its role as a mediator in the relationship between childhood experiences and adult functioning: Exploring the empirical evidence. Psihologija46(2), 193-212.

MacIntosh, H. B. (2013). Mentalizing: An exploration of its potential contribution to understanding the challenges faced by childhood sexual abuse survivors in couple therapy. Couple and Family Psychoanalysis3(2), 188–207.

MacIntosh, H. B. (2013). Structure with engagement: Towards an integration of psychoanalytic and trauma models in the treatment of dissociation. Psychoanalytic Social Work, 20(1), 26–49.

Montreuil, T., Malla, A.K., Joober, R., Bélanger, C., & Lepage, M. (2013). Anxiety symptoms severity and short-term clinical outcome in first episode psychosis. Early Intervention in Psychiatry7(1), 5–11.

Naud, C., Lussier, Y., Sabourin, S., Normandin, L., Clarkin, J., & Kernberg, O. F. (2013). How attachment and excessive self-sacrificing depressive dynamics are related to couple relationship satisfaction over time. Couple and Family Psychology: Research and Practice, 2(1), 14–33.

Paradis, A., Hébert, M., Blais, M., & Lavoie, F. (2013). Examen des profils de victimisation et de perpétration de la violence dans les relations amoureuses des adolescents. Journal International de Victimologie, 30(2).

Paradis, A., Hébert, M., Lavoie, F., & Blais, M. (2013). Examen des profils de violence dans les relations amoureuses des adolescents: victimisation et perpétration.Journal International de Victimologie, 30(2).

Parikh, S.V., Hawke, L.D., Zaretsky, A., Beaulieu, S., Patelis-Siotis, I., MacQueen, ... Enright, J. (2013). Psychosocial interventions for bipolar disorder and coping style modification: Similar clinical outcomes, similar mechanisms? Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, 58(8), 482–486.

Pazmany, E., Bergeron, S., Van Oudenhove, L., Verhaeghe, J., & Enzlin, P. (2013). Aspects of sexual self-schema in premenopausal women with dyspareunia: Associations with pain, sexual function, and sexual distress. Journal of Sexual Medicine, 10(9), 2255–2264.

Pazmany, E., Bergeron, S., Van Oudenhove, L., Verhaeghe, J., & Enzlin, P. (2013). Body image and genital self-image in pre-menopausal women with dyspareunia. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 42(6), 999–1010.

Péloquin, K., Brassard, A., Delisle, G., & Bédard, M-M. (2013). Integrating the attachment, caregiving and sexual systems into the understanding of sexual satisfaction. Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science45(3), 185–195.

Perrault, R., Carrier, J., Desautels, A., Montplaisir, J., & Zadra, A. (2013). Slow wave activity and slow oscillations in sleepwalkers and controls: Effects of 38 h of sleep deprivation. Journal of Sleep Research, 22(4), 430–433. doi:10.1111/jsr.12041

Perreault, M., Julien, D., White, N. D., Bélanger, C., Marchand, A., Katerelos, T., & Milton, D. (2014). Treatment modality preferences and adherence to group treatment for panic disorder with agoraphobia. Psychiatric Quarterly, 85(2), 121–132. doi:10.1007/s11126-013-9275

Perreault, M., Lafortune, D., Laverdure, A., Chartier-Otis, M. Bélanger, C., Marchand, A., & Bouchard, S. (2013). Obstacles dans l'accès au traitement rapportés par des personnes aux prises avec un trouble anxieux. Revue Canadienne de Psychiatrie, 58(5), 300–305.

Primiano, S., Marchand, A., Gosselin, P., Langlois, F., Bouchard, S., Bélanger, C., Labrecque, J., ... Dupuis, J. (2013). Comorbid panic disorder with agoraphobia and generalized anxiety disorder: The effect of a combined versus a conventional cognitive behavioural therapy on quality of life, preliminary results. Behavior Modification9, 1–22.

Quérin, M.-H., Couillard, J., Hébert, M., & Frappier, J.-Y. (2013). Les caractéristiques des adolescentes victimes d'agression sexuelle survenue suite aux contacts par les réseaux sociaux: Une étude exploratoire. Journal international de victimologie, 30(2).

Roberts, S., O'Connor, K., & Bélanger, C. (2013). Emotion regulation and other psychological models for body-focused-repetitive behaviors. Clinical Psychology Review33(6), 745–762.

Rosen, N. O., Bergeron, S., Lambert, B., & Steben, M. (2013). Provoked vestibulodynia: Mediators of the associations between partner responses, pain and sexual satisfaction. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 42(1), 129–141.

Rosen, N. O., Rancourt, K., Corsini-Munt, S., & Bergeron, S. (2013). Beyond a "woman's problem": The role of relationship processes in female genital pain. Current Sexual Health Reports, 6(1), 1–10.

Schoeb, G., Belzile, M., Brassard, A., Desruisseaux, L-M., Potvin, C., Blais, M., & Bruyninx, S. (2013). The perceived equity and equality of sexual practices scale: Validation of a measure of equity and equality within couples. The Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality, 22(1), 25–39.

Thibodeau, M.-È., Lavoie, F., & Hébert, M.(2013). «Les filles, elles dansent, elles frenchent; elles savent qu'on aime ça»: Étude qualitative des danses érotisées et des baisers entre personnes de même sexe. Sexologies, 22(3)133–137. doi:10.1016/j.sexol.2013.02.006

Van Camp, T., Hébert, M., Fernet, M., Blais, M., & Lavoie, F. (2013). Perceptions des jeunes victimes de violence sexuelle au sein de leurs relations amoureuses sur leur pire expérience. Journal International de Victimologie, 11(2).

Wilson, K. G., Kowal, J., Hendersen, P. H., McWilliams, L. A., & Péloquin, K. (2013). Brief report: Chronic pain and the interpersonal theory of suicide. Rehabilitation Psychology, 58(1), 111–115.

Zadra, A., Desautels, A., Petit, D., & Montplaisir, J. (2013). Somnambulism: Clinical aspects and pathophysiological hypotheses. Lancet Neurology12(3), 285–294.