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My program of research seeks to better understand the impact of adverse and traumatic life events in the lives of children and youth, as well as their experiences with services geared towards them. I aim to promote and implement social responses which are better suited to meet the needs of this often marginalized population and their families.
The Canadian Consortium on Child & Youth Trauma (CCCYT) is a SSHRC-funded partnership that started in 2020 The CCCYT's mandate is to improve and unify policies and practices for traumatized children and youth. It involves 110 researchers and partner organizations across Canada. The "Multi-sectoral and inter-regional communities of practice: A vehicle for sharing knowledge and expertise Ripple Effects: Examining the Impact of the #MeToo Movement on Sexual Violence Disclosures in Canada. With Ramona Alaggia (PI), this SSHRC Insight grant aims to document the nature of “collective” sexual violence disclosures as a social phenomenon and what impact these disclosures are having in Canada, since the #MeToo movement was created. Formation rebâtir – violence sexuelle. With Jacinthe Dion (co-PI) and several other CRIPCAS members, this project funded by the Quebec Ministry of Justice aims to develop, implement and evaluate a training program dedicated to legal representatives. Its objective is to raise their awareness of the reality of victims of sexual violence, and thus to contribute to shifting the culture denounced in the "Rebuilding Trust" report about victims' lack of confidence in the legal system.
of knowledge and expertise concerning complex trauma" has been funded over the years by the SSHRC's Connection program, and aims to bring together an interdisciplinary group of researchers, practitioners, educators and students to improve social responses to complex trauma in children and youth.
Affiliations |
I am the Director of McGill University's Centre for Research on Children and Families. BOARD MEMBERSHIP FULL MEMBERSHIP |
Gabrielle Chapdelaine Social Work
Joannie Laporte Ph. D. École de travail social
Madeleine Prévost-Lemire Postdoctoral École de travail social
Grants agencies |
Room 155, Suite 100, Tour Est
550 Sherbrooke Ouest
Montreal Quebec
H3A 1B9