Pronouns : She/Her
Program and Level of Study: Master's in Psychology (M.Sc.)
Research area : Marriage psycholog
Supervisor : Marie-Ève Daspe, Ph.D.
Email address: florence.leonard@umontreal.ca
Describe your research project in a few lines.
I am interested in exploring the associations between cyber violence and emotional experiences during conflicts via text messages among young adult couples. Additionally, I am investigating the role of negative anticipation in these connections. Therefore, my research question can be summarized as follows: Is experiencing cyber violence in a relationship associated with more negative emotions during a conflict via text messages between partners, and can this link be explained by a greater negative anticipation of the upcoming conflict? To address this question, 102 young adult couples first completed online questionnaires and then participated in a laboratory session during which they discussed, among other things, a conflictual topic in their relationship.
Can you share with us a memorable moment or experience from your academic journey?
The most memorable aspect of my academic journey so far is the network of connections I have built with friends, colleagues, professors, and mentors. It is these relationships that have propelled me forward and have always been there to remind me that I was never alone. Through the ups and downs of my journey, these individuals have been a true anchor.
What is the most challenging aspect of your research or studies, and how do you overcome it?
It can be challenging to maintain a work-life balance between the academic, professional, and personal spheres. However, this balance is crucial for promoting good mental health! When planning my week, I set aside moments for myself, my social life, and leisure activities. I invest more energy in activities that bring me joy and have no connection to my studies or work. This allows me to discover myself and define who I am beyond my academic journey.
What do you enjoy doing in your free time?
I enjoy reading or watching my favorite TV series with a good cup of coffee. I also take ballet classes and enjoy practicing yoga. Otherwise, I spend time with my dogs, family, and friends!